Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs

"No, this is not about the infamous fictional horror movie that has spooked many and given others feverish nightmares. This is far worse, far more premiditated, far more methodical and far more insidious than the movie. And worst of all, it’s all really happening right now, particularly around this time of year to celebrate the Easter holiday."

Father Mann's Journey to Embracing a Vegan Vision of Christianity - Free From Harm

Father Mann's Journey to Embracing a Vegan Vision of Christianity - Free From Harm

"This is absolutely, totally wonderful! I wish more members of the clergy would have such an epiphany, especially since religion is used to justify our “dominion” and abuse of the rest of Creation. I hope Father Mann continues to speak out and act on his convictions. I also hope he doesn’t get into trouble with his congregation and the Church for going against the dogma." ~ karmakaze on March 30, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Salmonella in Chicken & Turkey: Deadly But Not Illegal |

Salmonella in Chicken & Turkey: Deadly But Not Illegal |

"I've talked about this travesty before in my blog post Why is it Legal to Sell Unsafe Meat? My video Unsafe at Any Feed explores the meat industry's blame-the-victim attitude. Food Poisoning Bacteria Cross-Contaminationexplains raw meat can be dangerous no matter how long you cook it andFecal Bacteria Survey features an industry trade journal explaining the difference between the attitude in Europe and the United States.

"Don't worry, though, the meat industry is on it! See my videos Viral Meat Sprayand Maggot Meat Spray (if you dare! :)"